3 Things A Change of Perspective May Do For You

“That’s a great way of looking at it.” “I didn’t think about it that way.” These are two common comments I get after having a conversation with people about certain situations. I love to help people think of things differently when we talk about situations where they may be drawing conclusions. I have been accused of wanting to be positive or sometimes trying to pull the best out of situations. Not to say I don’t have moments of negativity, but for the most part I tend to try to find or see the best in situations and or people.  I think that it’s just so important to view things from a different perspective at times.

A change of perspective may help you:

  1. Help with you have a more positive outlook.
  2. See people and situations differently.
  3. Keep down conflict, disagreements and even anxiety. 

Perspective can be defined as “ a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.”  Most of us tend to have the same attitude regarding everything.  I think this tends to make us very “one way” or “one sided” in our views.  I think when we begin to change our point of view on some things we may begin to see or experience a whole new world.

Think about this… There is a drinking glass on a table with water in it. The water in the glass is at the halfway mark.  If you were asked to describe the glass in terms of fullness, would you say the glass is half full or half empty? Some people will describe it as half full others half empty. I think this is all about perspective! I tend to think people with a more positive outlook tend to view it as half full. How would you see the glass?

I got a phone call from my son and he was a little upset about a recent hail storm.  The hail storm did a lot of damage to his car. He was going off a little about it. I said, “Son, hold up a minute.”  I actually got kind of excited and he was probably confused. I reminded him first off that he had insurance. I said, “so what you are telling me is that you are going to have to take your car in and have it assessed and get it repaired by your insurance?” I reminded him of all the dings and stuff on his car and that basically he was going to get a brand new exterior! He had never thought of it that way, I don’t believe!  All he could think of was that his car was damaged and he was going have to get it fixed, and all that was involved in that. He never thought of the fact that his exterior was going to be practically new. The only cost to get a new looking exterior was a his deductible and some time without his car. All the scratches and dings that have been there for years would be gone!  I believe for my son he experienced all 3 things:  A more positive outlook, viewed the situation differently, and definitely reduced anxiety.  Perspective is everything!  Could you use a change of perspective?


3 thoughts on “3 Things A Change of Perspective May Do For You”

  1. I can certainly use a ‘perspective ‘ change. Some situations are not so black and white. I’ll stay tuned and read on!

  2. Changing your perspective is always useful. Having a positive perspective gets me in more of a reactive and proactive stance in stead of “accepting things for what they are” and being upset about it.

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