Who am I?

Recently, I met with a young lady who is struggling with figuring out who she is. Isn’t that something we all struggle with? Identity! I mean we are inundated with social media, television, music, fashion, movies, and everything else that wants to shape us to be something. How in the world can any of us know who we are? There are so many outside voices telling us who we should be.

Where do you start even trying to figure it out? Since we were small children, we have been influenced and told what we should be doing, how we should look, where we should go, and what should be. It’s a miracle anyone really knows who he or she really is.  Before we can even begin to figure it out, we are asked:  “what do you want to do when you grow up?” Perhaps the first question should be “who am I?

So for me, my faith has been a huge part of know whom I am!  Once I put that into practice everything else came a little easier.  I am not easily swayed because I truly know who I am and everything else navigates around that.  I think it is crucial in the day and age we live in.

People want to tell what we can do and us who we are! Well, that doesn’t work for me. I know who I am; therefore, I can make my own choices! No man is in charge of my destiny and I can stand up for myself. I believe that every individual has the capacity to do this.  Neither man nor media on any level can dictate to me what I do, how I dress, who my friends are, what I eat, where I work or what I do with my life. I know who I am!

I believe that individuals can walk with confidence in knowing who they are too! There is a way to walk in this confidence and more people need to do it!

Do you know who you are? Is this affecting you pursuing your dreams or living your best life?