Don’t Be Afraid of Transition!

Transition is such a HUGE thing for most people. I think it is important not to view transition as a bad thing. Most people freak out about change. I have learned that perspective is important when things change or there is a transition.

Being a military wife helped me a lot with transition.  Stability and military life don’t go together. You must be prepared for change. You never know when your husband will come in and be going somewhere or you are moving. Sudden, drastic changes were always at hand.

I had to learn quickly to embrace transition. I could either go kicking and screaming with change or decide to roll with it.  If I chose the kicking and screaming route, it just made it miserable for all parties involved. Choosing to face the transition with a positive outlook made it a much more pleasant ride for everyone.

It is always easy to have a great attitude when we are in control of changes but not as easy when others are making the decisions. So I decided if others are making the decision about the change to have the right perspective. I have learned to use a few filters as I transition.

Personally, the first filter is always my faith. I remind myself that ultimately God is in control of my life; not man. Everything that ever changes has already been filtered through his fingers of love. He has my best interest at heart! God is in charge of my destiny, not man.

The second filter is my future. How will this transition be used for moving me ahead in the future? Having a mind of exploration in transition is a really good mindset to have. I have always walked into a transition knowing that it is uniquely positioning me for exploring new opportunities. A transition is a great place to learn new things and grow. It’s a great place to build new relationships and to try new things. The transition you resist may be the very change God uses to catapult you into your destiny.

I will write more about transition in next post. The title of my next post will be “You Are Not What You Do?”.